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Autumn Leaves Are Calling! …But You Won’t Enjoy Looking At Them Through That Icky Glass

Cornerstone Auto Glass

It’s that time of year again… the time when folks all over the Denver area start thinking about grabbing a long weekend and heading up to the mountains for Colorado’s Number One favorite early-autumn activity.

Snow shoveling.

No, wait, that’s not Number One. Top of the list is making a trek up to the hills to take in the splendor of our Rocky Mountain fall foliage.

And if you can get in a little boating, or camping, or snow shoveling along the way… all the better!

That’s why every major thoroughfare west out of Denver is populated by campers, boat trailers, and motorists of all kinds… especially around those long weekends which have been grabbed.

(How exactly does one “grab” a weekend? Perhaps we don’t want to know.)

Maybe this is why Jefferson, Park, Gilpin, and Clear Creek Counties have joined together to host the Intermountain RV & Boat Show, right on I-70 and U.S. 285, just about any weekend between now and Halloween.

After all, with all those recreational vehicles “parked” on the roadways, why not hand out a few ribbons for the most stylish ones?

(NOTE: This is a joke. There is no such thing as the Intermountain RV & Boat Show. Far as you know. Do not attempt to register.)

But here’s the problem faced by many of the above-mentioned motorists: Their windshields are so smacked, jacked, whacked, and/or cracked, they can’t really enjoy the beautiful fall colors they came to see!

“Oh, look, Edna, there’s a grove of aspen, and a giant spider has built a web on it!”

“That’s a huge crack in the windshield, Earl. And bug guts.”

Don’t let this happen to you or your loved ones this leaf-watching season. Get your windshield repaired or replaced by the professional experts at CornerStone Auto Glass!

We can have your auto glass all sparkling clean and shiny, just in time for foliage viewing. And with the mobile service we offer in our area, in most cases we can do the work right at your home or office!

Check out our many (embarrassingly) gushing five-star online reviews, then give us a call. We are looking forward to the pretty leaves… but we’re also looking forward to earning our next great review from you!

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Aug 26, 2023

I was a bit hesitant about the cost of windshield replacement, but RV Windshield Replacement company offered real value for my money. The quality of their service, combined with the competitive pricing, made it a worthwhile investment.

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